Our work with…
What if you could totally reinvigorate a champions network in just half a day?
To accelerate its social impact efforts, Chivas Brothers recruited community champions from a variety of geographies, functions and backgrounds. In order to give fresh energy to the group, the company brought them together for an in-person away day where it worked with Today Do This to give them the confidence and resources to make the most of their role.
With a majority of participants in factory-based roles, we asked them how they could increase their own community engagement and get their coworkers to do the same. We then helped them turn their ideas into action by guiding them through our six-step process inspired by Martin Luther King’s six steps of social change and informed by behavioural science. The senior managers who joined in at the end of the day were blown away by the progress the group had made in such a short time.
The outcome
The original group of 20 champions now tackles a variety of issues including supporting nearby food banks, tackling loneliness and mental health issues, and improving the local environment.
A new cluster of community champions has emerged in an entirely new area of the business.
“We’re a month into the project now and the engagement, enthusiasm and momentum has been incredible since the session. We’re all very happy about it!”
— Sustainability and Responsibility Executive