Our work with…
What if employees brought their professional skills and talents to volunteering activities?
Having worked with us for a couple of years embedding sustainability into employees day-to-day decisions at work, Pfizer asked Today Do This to develop a bespoke session for their national conference. The objective: ensure colleagues make the most of their five annual volunteering days, part of their employee benefits package.
We created a 25-minute session to help each of Pfizer UK’s 600+ employees identify a volunteering opportunity that would both capture their interests and leverage their skills. We trained six employees (all participants in previous Today Do This workshops) to deliver the session across six different locations around the country. To keep momentum going beyond the 25 minutes, we designed a variety of assets during and after the conference for employees to share and take action on their chosen volunteering commitment.
The outcome
An immediate increase in volunteer days being taken
Dozens of new projects generated by teams of employees who otherwise might never have worked together
“Great session - the energy in the room was superb and the workshop really worked. People came up with some very specific ideas. Well done for working with Today Do This to get it so right."
— Internal facilitator