Our work with…
What if the commercial team could break its sales record without reaching breaking point?
The newspaper’s international sales team was smashing its annual goals, but employees were starting to lose track of why that mattered. Today Do This ran a session as part of the team’s offsite to help them reconnect with each other and with their own individual sense of meaning and purpose at work.
During the workshop, team members came up with practical ideas to connect the next big sales goal to their own strengths, interests and motivations. Then they chose one of those ideas and started taking action on it in the workshop using our six-step process for turning good intentions into action. After the offsite, each person received additional resources via email to help them maintain momentum behind their chosen activity and make sure they achieved their sales target more effectively and joyfully.
The outcome
Individuals are more energised, motivated and fulfilled at work
Team members are working together more collaboratively
“Loved it – and you. We’ve done a few workshops and trainings over the past couple of years, and that was genuinely the most engaged I’ve seen the team.”
— VP Client Partnerships